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Celebrating Models With Acne With Starface
Can you model if you have acne? The ways we perceive our skin is personal, so sharing what we see as 'flaws' isn't always easy. We've partnered with Starface to share our talent's experiences with their skin, and shift the perception of acne.

Contact, on 17 August 2021
The Contact Team
Acne. Let's talk about it. The ways we perceive our skin is personal, so sharing and discussing what we see as 'flaws' isn't always easy. At Contact, we believe that no one should feel ashamed of their skin, and all skin deserves to be celebrated. Starface shares in this belief, and through their fun approach to skincare, they've helped countless individuals feel more confident about their acne. In the hopes of bringing more individuals newfound confidence in their skin, we turned to our community to share their own stories and experiences.
Why is it so difficult to talk about acne?
Several factors have made discussion surrounding acne difficult, both on a personal level concerning our self-perception, and societally due to industry-set beauty standards. Compounding these two fronts has created a culture of seeing anything other than clear skin as flawed, leaving individuals feeling embarrassed or insecure, especially for models with acne in the fashion industry. At the forefront of how we understand and work with our skin is Starface.
How does Starface help models struggling with acne?
Bright, fun-loving, and out of this world, their boldly coloured hydrostars have put self-expressive skincare ahead of outdated perceptions. Each hydrostar comes packed full of Hydrocolloid, which is clinically proven to help absorb fluid and reduce inflammation to shrink pimples overnight.

Feeling at odds with your skin can feel like a losing battle, whether it's bacteria or the insatiable need to pick at our spots. Starface knows this, and their little sticky companions have been designed to combat all outside interference in the spot-healing process.
By coating pimples with fun (who can deny the fun of a brightly coloured sticky star?), your skin is shielded from bacteria, which promotes faster healing and prevents scarring. Just like skincare, Starface and its mission to make our skin journeys fun isn't a one-trick pony.
Alongside their pimple patches, they provide face washes, moisturisers, exfoliators, and cotton pads to ensure all skin types and daily routines are accounted for. Here, skincare and skin love, are for everybody.

Can you be a model with acne? How are we tackling the conversation at Contact?
Through an intimate visual journey, four Contact models kicked open the doors on their acne struggles, touching particularly the role it's played within their modelling careers.
Speaking on his skin journey, BLUE explains that he first encountered acne aged ten. He explains, "a model needs genuine confidence within, and if I ever broke out, I wouldn't have the same energy on set. I would just lack that confidence."
It's Starface's lighthearted approach to skincare that has helped maintain that energy, and created a safe space for conversation that was lacking during his youth. Acne, in his words, is "...normal, it's beautiful to know texture."

As LILLIE steps into the world of Starface, she echoes sentiments that acne can drain confidence. A key touchpoint of the conversation is the airbrushed, false 'perfection' we're often exposed to in the fashion and modelling industry. Paralleling the shift in perspective at the heart of the brand, Lillie explains she has learn to live with acne and feels more confident than ever.
"Instead of covering it up, you're almost amplifying it. For any aspiring models with acne, I'd just say go for it. Just do it. I mean, after doing a shoot you almost feel brave because you've done it. You were chosen for the job for a's quite empowering."

SOPHIE touches on social media's dominance in shaping our perception of ourselves. Beauty standards, filters, and editing have laid the pressure on thick, leaving many to feel discomfort and insecurity when facing their acne. "Now I've started to embrace it, and I film TikToks myself so that young impressionable boys and girls realise that it's normal and that everyone has issues with their skin."

Furthering the normality surrounding skin texture, breakouts, and flares, BUSHEY explains the emotions surrounding the topic. "I think Starface has changed the way we perceive acne in a way of making it more fun, and, I guess, less shameful. It's something you can look at and be like, 'alright, cool'.
I think especially everyone associates stars with like a happy thing or a reward and it's not something that should be frowned upon. It's something that I feel most people have dealt with at some point in their life. It's shouldn't be some big thing..."
Keep an eye on Contact's social channels to dive deeper into the world of Starface, and the personal experiences of some of our talent at Contact. You can take a trip starside and get your hands (and face) on the products that are changing how we see our skin via Starface's online store.

Contact, on 17 August 2021
The Contact Team

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