How the creative team at fashion marketplace Depop uses Contact to find the right models, every time
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With a thriving, vibrant community and ever-expanding reach, life’s busy at Depop. Hear how Tessa Schimetat, Senior Production Manager, trusts Contact to find the perfect models for every shoot.
Depop is a bustling online marketplace where people buy and sell clothes, jewellery and more. With 30 million users, its team of 400 people – spread across the UK, US and Australia – has a tricky job keeping the wheels in motion. Tessa Schimetat, Senior Production Manager, is part of Depop’s creative team, working on internal campaigns. It’s a full-on role where every day brings a new challenge. “On a typical day we’re either on a shoot, in a creative meeting or talking to our community. No two days are the same!”
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"No two days are the same!"
Finding models is one of the many plates that Tessa needs to keep spinning. “We used to do a lot of street casting, trawling Depop for potential models and speaking with modelling agencies. It was really time consuming and we didn’t have a clearly defined process. Every shoot would be a source of stress.” Back in 2019, the Depop team saw that Maisie Williams was using Depop. As well as being the star of Game of Thrones, Maisie also dates Contact’s CEO, Reuben Selby. When the Depop team reached out to say hi, Maisie mentioned that they might want to check out Contact, and introduced them to Reuben.
“Booking talent’s super easy on Contact. It only takes a few clicks”
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Since switching to Contact to source models, Tessa and team have had a far more streamlined model-booking process. “Booking talent’s super easy on Contact. It only takes a few clicks. We can also see each model’s social profiles and interests, so we get a better picture of who they are.” Tessa and her team used to spend hours trying to find the exact model they needed. But that’s all changed. “We use the filter options on Contact, which make it super easy to navigate through talent on the website and find the people we need. It’s amazing.”
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Tessa’s also been impressed by the sheer breadth of talent on offer through Contact. “Contact has a huge range of faces with hugely varied interests, which is super important when we have specific campaign requirements,” says Tessa. “The models are always interesting people with bags of personality.” Depop has a busy few months ahead. After being acquired by US shopping site Etsy for £1.1 billion in June 2021, the company has its sights set on building the world’s most diverse and progressive home of fashion. We’re honoured to be on the journey with Tessa and team.
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